Spa Body Massage in Dadar 8956198622

Call 8956198622 The Four-Hand massage is one of the most complete oriental massages and one of the most demanded in our center, as you can surely imagine. Double relax! The perfect synchronization of two therapists who relax and/or stimulate different body areas at the same time produces an unparalleled feeling of well-being. We make this special massage on the basis of the Thai oil massage technique. The incentive is that the Four-Hand massage is applied by two therapists at once, multiplying the perceptions and the mild sedation effects that all our oriental oil massages have. A four-handed massage makes you feel an intense relaxation due to the combination of gentle pressures and the sliding of the four hands on the skin, as well as the own effects of essential oils.


Nav Neelam Premises CHS, Above Sadanand Hotel, Dr RG Thadani Marg, Worli, Mumbai, 400018

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